Residential Asbestos Removals Auckland

Residential Asbestos Removal Service auckland

Asbestos is a hazardous naturally occurring fibrous silicate mineral frequently used in constructions. Although they are not always harmful, items containing asbestos can be deadly. Asbestos that is easily broken down or that has been sawed, scraped, or ground into a powder is likely to release asbestos fibres and pose a health risk. It is, therefore, crucial to determine whether something has asbestos and what to do if it needs to be removed.

Identifying Asbestos In Residential Buildings:

Check for tears, abrasions, or water damage regularly if you suspect an area of your house contains asbestos. You should restrict access to the area and avoid touching or disturbing material with minor damage. Professional repair or removal is required if the asbestos material is more than mildly damaged or if you plan to renovate your property that could disturb it.

Contacting Professional Residential Asbestos Removers Auckland:

It should be noted that the removal of asbestos may be risky for any homeowner. Therefore, you must avoid taking on a removal project on your own if you don’t have the necessary expertise. The safest and smartest thing to do when you need to remove asbestos from any residence, building or facility is to contact an asbestos removal company rather than doing it yourself.

Asbestos-containing materials should be removed by qualified rectification or abatement professionals. Those that handle asbestos materials have the necessary professional training to ensure their safe disposal. In order to protect themselves, others, and you from exposure, asbestos removal companies conduct accurate tests for the poisonous material, adhere to strict standards and processes, and carry all the necessary equipment for abatement removal.

They can perform home inspections, collect samples of suspicious materials, evaluate their condition, and advise on what modifications are required. Again, unless it is going to be disturbed, material that is in good condition does not need to be sampled.

Look into asbestos abatement businesses, enquire about references, and learn how they remove asbestos from buildings. When the risk of asbestos exposure is effectively eradicated, you, your loved ones, and the public at large will be much safer.

Crew Asbestos Can Help!

With over two decades of experience removing asbestos from homes, Asbestos Removal Crew specialises in asbestos testing, inspection, removal, and demolition. We can, regardless of how big or little your property is. Our knowledgeable team of professionals offers reliable experience handling projects of any scale. All of our staff have received thorough training in asbestos testing and removal. With up-to-date accreditations, we have all the tools, expertise, and safety gear required to provide safe and quick services. We are a certified asbestos removal business offering customised services for residential buildings. You can count on us to keep your properties asbestos-free.

Is there asbestos in your home?

Purchasing an asbestos-containing home is similar to purchasing a haunted house. It’s unlikely that you can immediately identify if a house has asbestos. As with natural gas, asbestos is odourless and visually undetectable. The best way to determine whether a home has asbestos is to do a fast inspection and then engage a professional to examine potential problem areas.

In older homes and buildings, asbestos may be present in a variety of construction materials like paint, insulation, and floor tiles. There are a lot of houses and public buildings erected before the 1980s, including schools, government housing, and office buildings.

There are a few signs that your house might contain asbestos:


  • The house or building was constructed before the early 1980s
  • There is vermiculite insulation in your house
  • You live in a house that had millboard, or vinyl flooring put in between 1952 and 1982.
  • The roof of your house is corrugated.
  • Cement sheets are used to build the walls and other surfaces in the house.
  • There is an antiquated cement water tank in your house (older cement products could contain asbestos).

Unfortunately, asbestos is difficult to detect and frequently lurks in plain sight inside your home. Tiny fragments can also appear in building materials such as plastic or cement, making it impossible to identify accurately on your own. They can look like green, white, blue, or brown fluffy strands.

Asbestos is extremely deadly when disturbed, so you should never dig around to look for it. An expert who can test for the substance correctly is most suited for this job.

The Crew Asbestos Removal offers a full range of asbestos removal and asbestos waste disposal services. Hire a cleaner to keep your properties free from asbestos.

Experts for Residential Asbestos Removal Services in Auckland

A lot of homeowners might never need to get their homes tested for asbestos since asbestos fibres are a threat only when they are inhaled. But you should definitely engage an expert to do an asbestos test if you intend to do construction work or if you observe damage to some of the drywall, siding, or plumbing.

You should, just to be cautious, have your home’s asbestos levels checked if you have any remodelling plans or if you have any worries.

Contact The Crew Asbestos Removal, a licensed asbestos specialist, to properly remove the dangerous material. It is prohibited to attempt to remove asbestos on your own because doing so violates the regulations of the asbestos abatement policy and can pose a serious risk to your health and safety.

Our workers, contractors, managers, and inspectors are heavily trained and licensed for testing and removing asbestos. They are aware of what to look for, are capable of collecting samples for examination and can prevent an elevated risk to health if fibres are released. It is not advised for untrained personnel to collect samples. Incorrect handling could result in the release of fibres and increase the danger compared to leaving the material alone.

The asbestos removal specialists at The Crew are qualified and accredited to handle both residential and commercial properties. Because they have received training in the asbestos removal process, The Crew’s staff will be aware of what to search for and ensure that the environment in which you work or reside is safe.

The Crew Asbestos Ltd provides a full range of services throughout Auckland and beyond...

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